
Countdown to Dev Bootcamp

Primary LanguageCSS

Hi! Welcome to my Weekly Website project.

There are 24 weeks between now and June, which is when I continue my journey at Dev Bootcamp in Chicago. Desiring to make good use of these 24 weeks and have some momentum when I get to Chicago, I am taking it upon myself to start building something, right now.

I've spent a lot of time working with online code tutorials and exercises. As a result, I'm getting good at completing tutorials and isolated challenges in Ruby, but I'm not really very much closer to being a web developer. Tutorials are great for starters, but it's time I adopt the JFDI method.

So here I am. I am going to build one new website every week between now and Dev Bootcamp. I'm going to push everything to Github, and if anyone would like to give me constructive criticism on my code, that would be most welcome. I'm also going to post weekly entries in my blog, reflecting on what I am learning along the way.

Thanks for stopping by.
