
Port of FSharp.Formatting.Markdown for Fable

Primary LanguageF#

Fable.Formatting.Markdown Nuget

A port of FSharp.Formatting.Markdown for Fable. This will allow you to format markdown into HTML inside your Fable application.

The benefit of using this package over (say) markedjs is that we have the same formatting behaviour and syntax as FSharp.Formatting, and of course a rich FSharp-first API for parsing markdown text into an intermediate document.

For documentation, refer to Markdown Parser. Note that in general FSharp.Formatting in those documents is Fable.Formatting in this package.

Fable Example

module App

let markdownSrc = """
##Markdown Example

This is *italic*, and this is **bold**, and this is a `symbol`.

**Unordered List**

- Unordered item
- Next item
- Last item

**Numbered List**

1. First step
1. Second step
1. Third step


    let fib n =
        if n <= 1 then
            n * (fib (n-1))


let appE = Browser.Dom.window.document.querySelector("#app")

appE.innerHTML <- Fable.Formatting.Markdown.Markdown.ToHtml(markdownSrc)

Feliz Example

module Main

open Feliz
open Browser.Dom
open Fable.Formatting.Markdown

let MarkdownDiv (x:string) =
    Html.div [
        prop.dangerouslySetInnerHTML (Markdown.ToHtml x)

let app (md : string) =
    let (src, setSrc) = React.useState(md)
    Html.div [
        MarkdownDiv src
        Html.textarea [
            prop.value src
            prop.onChange (fun s -> setSrc(s))

    app "**Hello World** from *Markdown*",
    document.getElementById "feliz-app"



Details of Port to Fable

  • Based on FSharp.Formatting v11.4.2. Only the Markdown module has been ported across.

  • Regex match groups don't have an Index property. The workaround I used is to specify captures for all of the expression and then sum the size of each preceding capture to get the start of the original capture we wanted.

  • Array.FindAll - replaced with Array.filter

  • TextWriter/StringWriter replaced with FableTextWriter, which performs string concatenation