
Fable (F#) bindings for react-autocomplete that is ready to use in Elmish applications

Primary LanguageF#MIT LicenseMIT

Fable.React.Autocomplete Build Status Build status Nuget

A complete binding for react-autocomplete that is ready to use within Elmish applications


  • Install this library from nuget
paket add Fable.React.Autocomplete --project /path/to/Project.fsproj
  • Install the actual Autocomplete library from npm
npm install react-autocomplete --save


There are two basic functions available: autocompleteBasic and autocomplete.

Use autocompleteBasic for the simplest experience, when all you need is to choose from a list of strings. You supply the list of strings, the current value and a dispatch function, as a record.

Use autocomplete for access to the complete API supplied by react-autocomplete. Here you supply a list of option values to configure the component. Use this version if your data is more complex than a list of strings, or you wish to tweak styling or event handling.

Live Demo with examples



type State = { SelectedItem : string }

type Msg = UpdateSelectedItem of string 

let init() = { SelectedItem = "" }, Cmd.none

let update msg state = 
    match msg with 
    | UpdateSelectedItem item ->
        let nextState = { state with SelectedItem = item }
        nextState, Cmd.none

let render state dispatch = 
        { Items =
                [ "99 Red Balloons"
                "Are You Gonna Be My Girl"
                "Are You Gonna Go My Way"
                "Thing Called Love"
                "The Lemon Song"
                "Black Dog"
                "Immigrant Song"
                "Whole Lotta Love"
                "Whole Lotta Rosie" ]
            Model = state.SelectedItem
            Dispatch = UpdateSelectedItem >> dispatch }

The argument to autocompleteBasic is a record of type BasicProps:

type BasicProps = {
    Items           : string list
    Model           : string
    Dispatch        : string -> unit
BasicProp Description
Items List of strings to be offered to user
Model The current value of the selection
Dispatch Function to call when user makes a selection. Also called while typing into input element



let render state dispatch = 
    AutoComplete.autocomplete [
        Items [|
            { Key = "0"; Label = "99 Red Balloons" }
            { Key = "1"; Label = "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" }
            { Key = "2"; Label = "Are You Gonna Go My Way" }
            { Key = "3"; Label = "Dakota" }
            { Key = "4"; Label = "Thing Called Love" }
            { Key = "5"; Label = "The Lemon Song" }
            { Key = "6"; Label = "Black Dog" }
            { Key = "7"; Label = "Immigrant Song" }
            { Key = "8"; Label = "Whole Lotta Love" }
            { Key = "9"; Label = "Whole Lotta Rosie" }
        Value state.SelectedItem
        RenderItem(fun item highlight ->
            div [ Prop.Key <| item.Key // Keep React happy.
                    Props.Style [ Background(if highlight then "gray" else "none") ] ] [
                str item.Label
        GetItemValue(fun item -> item.Label)
        OnSelect(UpdateSelectedItem >> dispatch)
        ShouldItemRender(fun item value -> item.Label.ToLower().Contains(value.ToLower()))
        OnChange(fun e v -> v |> UpdateSelectedItem |> dispatch)
        InputProps [ ClassName "input is-primary" ]

The argument to autocomplete is a list of AutoCompleteProps<'Item>. The generic type argument 'Item allows you to show an array of any record type.

type AutoCompleteProps<'Item> = 
  | GetItemValue of ('Item -> string)
  | Items of 'Item array
  | RenderItem of ('Item -> bool -> ReactElement)
  | AutoHighlight of bool
  | InputProps of HTMLAttr list
  | IsItemSelectable of ('Item -> bool)
  | MenuStyle of CSSProp list
  | OnChange of (Browser.Types.Event -> string -> unit)
  | OnMenuVisibilityChange of (bool -> unit)
  | OnSelect of (string -> unit)
  | Open of bool
  | RenderInput of (obj -> ReactElement)
  | RenderMenu of ('Item array -> string -> obj -> ReactElement)
  | SelectOnBlur of bool
  | ShouldItemRender of ('Item -> string -> bool)
  | SortItems of ('Item -> 'Item -> string -> int)
  | Value of string
  | WrapperProps of HTMLAttr list
  | WrapperStyle of CSSProp list

See original documentation for react-autocomplete for a detailed explanation of these configuration items. The following table discusses any F# aspects of their binding implementations.

AutoCompleteProps Description
GetItemValue Return the string value of the given item record
Items Array of item records
RenderItem Render item as a ReactElement. Second argument is true if item should be highlighted
InputProps Properties for the element. List of HTMLAttr
MenuStyle Style properties for the menu. A list of CSSProp
SortItems Compare function for Array.sort. string argument is current value
WrapperProps List of HTMLAttr
WrapperStyle List of CSSProp


Use this to convert a BasicProps record into a list of AutoCompleteProps, to which you can append other AutoCompleteProps, such as MenuStyle, InputProps, WrapperProps, WrapperStyle.

For example

    AutoComplete.autocomplete <|
        InputProps [ ClassName "input is-primary" ] ::
        ofBasic { 
            Items = songs
            Model = state.SelectedItem
            Dispatch = UpdateSelectedItem >> dispatch 

The definition of ofBasic is as follows

let ofBasic (basicProps : BasicProps) = // BasicProps -> AutoCompleteProps<string>
    let props = [
      Items (List.toArray basicProps.Items)
      RenderItem (fun item highlight -> 
        div [
                Prop.Key <| string item // Keep React happy.
                Props.Style [ Background (if highlight then "gray" else "none") ] 
            [ str item  ]
      GetItemValue id
      OnSelect basicProps.Dispatch
      ShouldItemRender (fun item value -> item.ToLower().Contains( value.ToLower() ))
      Value basicProps.Model
      OnChange (fun e v -> v |> basicProps.Dispatch)


  • react-autocomplete doesn't itself appear to be maintained
  • Working around an issue in FunctionComponent that appears to lose F# metadata from properties passed through ReactJS (issue logged) - see makeList in Autocomplete.fs