
An F# implementation of Bulma layered on top of Feliz.Engine

Primary LanguageF#MIT LicenseMIT

Feliz.Engine.Bulma Nuget

An F# implementation of Bulma layered on top of Feliz.Engine, based on the work of Roman Provazník in Feliz.Bulma.

Comparison with Feliz.Bulma / I'm just looking for Bulma for Feliz

Feliz.Bulma is implemented on top of Feliz, a DOM DSL for the React framework. If your project uses Feliz, Feliz.Bulma is what you need.

Feliz.Engine.Bulma is implemented on top of Feliz.Engine, an abstract Feliz-like DSL which can be implemented for any DOM-builder backend, client-side or server-side.

This means that given an implementation of Feliz.Engine for a particular framework, Feliz.Engine.Bulma gives you a Bulma DSL for free.

Sutil uses both Feliz.Engine and Feliz.Engine.Bulma

Bulma Framework Generation

The Feliz.Engine.Bulma repository includes a code generator for Bulma, which was used to generate this library. It should make it easier to incorporate updates to Bulma and then regenerate the library. Of course, others may also find it useful for their own Bulma projects. The data files for the generator were converted from the source files of Roman's Feliz.Bulma project.

See folder ./gen in the repository for the code generator.


This is the status of Feliz.Engine.Bulma with respect to Feliz.Bulma, which is a complete implementation of Bulma:

  • Top-level elements (eg, bulma.hero) 83 / 83
  • Sub-elements (eg, bulma.button.span) 24 / 24
  • Modifiers (eg is-fullheight) 760 / 760
  • Extensions (eg DateTimePicker) 0 / 11


See example App in src/App for full details.

Given an implementation of Feliz.Engine for a particular DSL, then the simplest way to get started is:

// Dsl is an example DOM building framework, and exports
open Dsl

// Html and Attr are instances of
// - Feliz.Engine.HtmlEngine<DslNode> and
// - Feliz.Engine.AttrEngine<DslNode> respectively

let bulma = Feliz.Engine.Bulma.BulmaEngine<DslNode>( Html, Attr )

However, you can copy & paste src/Feliz.Engine.Bulma/Binding.fs into your project (inserting the correct DSL types appropriately), and you'll have additional shortcuts to modifiers such as size.is6, color.isDanger instead of bulma.m.color.isDanger etc.

// --------------------------------------------------------
// !!! DO NOT EDIT !!!
// Generated from templates/Binding.template.fs
// --------------------------------------------------------

// This isn't compiled into the Feliz.Engine.Bulma package. Copy it to your framework library
// and replace Framework and FrameworkElement appropriately. It isn't necessary, but it may
// help reduce some "bulma.m." boilerplate noise in your app

namespace Framework.Bulma

open Framework

let bulma = Feliz.Engine.Bulma.BulmaEngine<FrameworkElement>( Html, Attr )

let helpers = bulma.m.helpers
let size = bulma.m.size
let spacing = bulma.m.spacing
let text = bulma.m.text
// ... etc

Example App

The example app in src/App implements the Bulma form sampler

Example App

Example code

This is part of the example App code:

    bulma.field.div [
        bulma.label [
            text "Username"
        bulma.control.div [
            bulma.input.text [
                Attr.placeholder "Text input"
                Attr.value "bulma"
            bulma.icon [
                Html.i [ class' "fa fa-user" ]
            bulma.icon [
                Html.i [ class' "fa fa-check" ]
        bulma.help [
            text "This username is available"