
The default SAFE-template (v2) with LiteDB.FSharp

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SAFE Template with LiteDB

This template was created with dotnet new safe, and then I've replaced the in-memory storage with LiteDB using LiteDB.FSharp.


  • Add suggestions from @IsaacAbraham
  • Eliminate global instance of Storage

Main Changes

  • Add [<CliMutable>] to type Todo. This attribute effectively makes the type serializable (adds default ctor, getters and setters).
type Todo =
    { Id : Guid
      Description : string }
  • Add LiteDB.FSharp to paket.references

  • Add nuget LiteDB.FSharp to paket.dependencies

  • Open LiteDB.FSharp in Server.cs

open LiteDB.FSharp
open LiteDB
  • Instantiate LiteDB with function database
let database dbName =
    let mapper = FSharpBsonMapper()
    let dbFile = sprintf "%s.db" dbName
    let connStr = sprintf "Filename=%s;mode=Exclusive" dbFile
    new LiteDatabase( connStr, mapper )
  • Modify Storage to take db as constructor argument, used for insertions and queries
  • Initialize database upon first creation
type Storage (db : LiteDatabase) as this =
    let collection = "todos"
    let todos = db.GetCollection<Todo> collection

        if not (db.CollectionExists collection) then
            this.AddTodo(Todo.create "Create new SAFE project") |> ignore
            this.AddTodo(Todo.create "Write your app") |> ignore
            this.AddTodo(Todo.create "Ship it !!!") |> ignore

    member __.GetTodos () =
        todos.FindAll() |> List.ofSeq

    member __.AddTodo (todo: Todo) =
        if Todo.isValid todo.Description then
            todos.Insert(todo) |> ignore
            Ok ()
        else Error "Invalid todo"
  • API instance takes Storage as an argument
let todosApi (storage : Storage) =
    { getTodos = fun () -> async { return storage.GetTodos() }
      addTodo =
        fun todo -> async {
            match storage.AddTodo todo with
            | Ok () -> return todo
            | Error e -> return failwith e
        } }
  • Pass Storage instance to API
let webApp =
    |> Remoting.withRouteBuilder Route.builder
    |> Remoting.fromValue (database "Todo" |> Storage |> todosApi)
    |> Remoting.buildHttpHandler

This is what I consider to be the bare minimum to bring LiteDB into the template idiomatically.

I'd like to extend this additional functionality (e.g., delete records, login screen).

Original template documentation follows:

This template can be used to generate a full-stack web application using the SAFE Stack. It was created using the dotnet SAFE Template. If you want to learn more about the template why not start with the quick start guide?

Install pre-requisites

You'll need to install the following pre-requisites in order to build SAFE applications

Starting the application

Before you run the project for the first time only you must install dotnet "local tools" with this command:

dotnet tool restore

To concurrently run the server and the client components in watch mode use the following command:

dotnet fake build -t run

Then open http://localhost:8080 in your browser.

To run concurrently server and client tests in watch mode (run in a new terminal):

dotnet fake build -t runtests

Client tests are available under http://localhost:8081 in your browser and server tests are running in watch mode in console.

SAFE Stack Documentation

If you want to know more about the full Azure Stack and all of it's components (including Azure) visit the official SAFE documentation.

You will find more documentation about the used F# components at the following places: