
F# Elmish implementation of Conway's Game of Life

Primary LanguageF#

React Elmish Fable Game Of Life

This is an F# / Elmish implementation of Conway's Game of Life.

This was an exercise in learning the libraries around Fable, rather than an in-depth study of Conway's Life, so this is me trying to see how UIs are implemented in Fable Elmish React.

The UI is using MaterialUI in form of Feliz.MaterialUI. This was a challenge in itself. The libraries themselves are excellent, but there's Feliz-style to learn, and then I threw MaterialUI into the mix too. There was no need to do this, I could have just stuck with regular React format and Bootstrap (or even Bulma in the form of Fulma).

The simulation is generating a whole new world on each tick. I'm interested in finding the best idiomatic and functional way of implementing programs like this. One approach I want to try is to have a single world, and then allow the simulation to generate a list of "Toggle Cell" actions on each iteration, that are then applied by a top-level function, mutating the world according to the actions. The main simulation remains pure for each tick, and mutation is applied in a controlled manner, emulating Haskell's IO monad to a degree. My hope would be that this would give a speed improvement, and reduce the amount of memory turnover.