Fable website generator

This project generates the static web pages for the Fable website.

If you've trouble building some native dependencies (like oniguruma) on your system, check the requirements for node-gyp installation.

How to contribute?

All the content of the website is located under the docs folder, so if you are looking.


├── blog                Contains the blog posts
├── community.md        Page listing the different places where people can regroup, ask for help
├── docs                Contains the documentation section
├── index.md            Index of the website
├── resources.md        Community driven list of useful Fable tutorials, libraries and software.
├── static              Static resource like images, etc.
├── scss                Components use by style.scss
└── style.scss          Main entry for styling the website

How to add a blog post?

Blog posts are located under the docs/blog folder.

  1. Add your file following this convention docs/blog/YYYY/YYYY-MM-DD-your blog post.md

    • YYYY represents the year
    • YYYY-MM-DD is the date of creation of your blog post

    This helps organize the contents and quickly find a blog post if needed for editing it.

  2. Adding the following front-matter at the top of your file

    layout: fable-blog-page
    # external_link:
    abstract: |
        Announcing the official release of Feliz and what it means for the Fable community.

    Properties descriptions:

    Property Required Description
    layout X Should always be fable-blog-page
    title X The title of your blog post
    author X The author name
    date X Date of the blog post
    author_link X A link to your Twitter or Github profile
    author_image X A link to a picture of you
    external_link Optional: If your blog post is not hosted on Fable.io website, put the link to it here
    abstract X The abstract of your blog post, it will be used on the blog index page to introduce your blog post. You can use markdown here if you need


    title: Migration to Fable 2
    layout: fable-blog-page
    author: Mangel Maxime
    date: 2018-10-01
    author_link: https://twitter.com/MangelMaxime
    author_image: https://github.com/MangelMaxime.png
    # external_link:
    abstract: |
        With this document we are going to convert a Fable 1 project into a Fable 2 project. This guide has been written by converting Fulma.Minimal template from Fable 1 to Fable 2.
  3. Write your blog post under the front-matter section. The index page will automatically updates itself based on the information your provided

How to add new syntax support?

We are using Textmate grammar for the syntax highlighting, if when building the website you see a warning similar to:

No grammar found for language: `fsharp`

It means that we don't support yet this syntax. In order to add support for it follow these steps:

  1. Find a tmLanguage.json online.

    In general, you can find a lot of them inside VS Code repository under the extensions folder or by looking at VS Code extensions repository online like Ionide etc.

  2. Copy the Textmate JSON grammar under lightner/grammars/ folder

  3. Make sure to add information from where you found the grammar by adding a `` property to the JSON.

        "information_for_contributors": [
    	    "This file has been copied from https://github.com/ionide/ionide-fsgrammar/blob/master/grammar/fsharp.json"

    This will help us to update the grammar if needed.

  4. Check the name of the extension used under scopeName property. It will be the name that you have to use for telling which language to choose for the highlighting.

    For example, "scopeName": "source.fsharp" means that you need to write ```fsharp

  5. Inside nacara.config.json add the path to the new grammar file to the lightner.grammars property.

Note for the maintainers

The custom layout for the blog index and blog pages are at:

  • ./scripts/blog-index.js
  • ./scripts/blog-page.js

If you need to customize the layout or fix something, that's the place to go.

If there is a bug on another page, then the issue should be reported on Nacara repository as it is the one hosted the "standard" layout.

How to test locally ?

  1. npm install
  2. npm run watch
  3. Go to http://localhost:8080/

How to deploy ?

Deployment should be done automatically when pushing to dev branch.

If the CI is broken, you can manually deploy it by running npm run deploy.