Creating a Chrome Extension in F# Using Sutil

This is the documentation for the template project found at sutil-template-chromex.

Learn more about Sutil at

This example was derived from Getting Started with Chrome Extensions.

### Getting Started

The extension is ready-built in the ./dist folder. Clone the repo and try it out as follows:

(By the way, these are the same instructions you'll find here)

  • In Chrome, go to chrome://extensions
  • Click Load unpacked
  • Select the dist folder

If all is well, you'll be able test the extension as follows:

Sutil Chrome Extension

Developing the Extension

  • Clone the repo

  • Initialize the environment

$ npm install
$ dotnet tool restore
  • Developing the UI

You can treat Popup.fs as a regular (Sutil) web application. In fact, you don't have to use Sutil here at all. You could just use the Browser.Dom APIs and go on a document.createElement(..) bender, though I feel you'll have more fun and an easier time using Sutil :-)

The modules Background.fs and Popup.fs do play different roles in the extension though, and this is best explained by the Chrome documentation. You'll see that Background.fs is where we can catch the onInstalled event.

  • To build
$ npm run build

Upon each build, go back to the chrome://extensions page and refresh the extension.


Console Output

Output from Background.fs will be visible in the developer window accessible from Inspect views: service worker link, found on the chrome://extensions page.

Output from Popup.fs will be visible from the developer window accessible when you right-click -> Inspect inside the window created from popup.html (i.e., where the button appears when you activate the extension)

Browser APIs

Currently, there is minimal support for the* and chrome.runtime.* etc APIs. This will be a work-in-progress, but it's fairly easy to move your project forward in the meantime, thanks to Fable's awesome interop capabilities.

Support for other Browsers

Currently, Sutil is exporting a Chrome.* API, but there is a polyfill that will allow me to unify this to a more useful browser.* API, and then it should be possible to create extensions for other browsers too.