Sutil Template for Tailwind

The Sutil Hello World program, but using Tailwind, with:

  • CSS purging (using tailwindcss-cli)
  • IntelliSense (using Tailwind CSS Intellisense plugin)

Quick Start

git clone -s
cd sutil-template-tailwind
dotnet tool restore
npm install
npm run start

Adding Tailwind to an Existing Project

Install Tailwind:

npm add -D tailwindcss tailwindcss-cli cross-env

Set your build scripts to something like this:

"scripts": {
    "start": "dotnet fable watch src/App --runWatch npm run pack",
    "build": "dotnet fable       src/App --run npm run pack:prod",

    "pack": "npm run tailwind && webpack serve",
    "pack:prod": "npm run tailwind && webpack --mode production",

    "tailwind": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production tailwindcss-cli build -o public/tailwind.css"

Add a reference to generated CSS file tailwind.css in your index.html

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="tailwind.css"/>

Referencing Tailwind in a Sutil App

Use Attr.className to specify the Tailwind classes:

open Sutil

Html.div [
    Attr.className "bg-red-400 text-sm p-1"
    // ...

There is a helper for div in the form of Html.divc:

open Sutil

Html.divc "bg-red-400 text-sm p-1" [
    // ...

For the best experience, and to minimise the chance of specifying incorrect class names, install the Tailwind CSS IntelliSense plugin (for VSCode). Add the following to settings.json:

"tailwindCSS.experimental.classRegex": [
"tailwindCSS.includeLanguages": {
    "fsharp": "html"