
A way to expose a Jekyll clone to MarsEdit via the MetaWeblog API

Primary LanguageSwift


A command-line tool that serves a local jekyll-based blog up via a rudimentary XML-RPC webserver, for use in blogging authoring tools like MarsEdit.

For more information, see this blog post.


I use this with my personal blog, located at https://davedelong.com. In its git repository, I have this zsh script:


if [ ! -d "_swift" ]; then
    mkdir _swift
pushd _swift

if [ ! -d "jekyll-pub" ]; then
    echo "cloning..."
    git clone git@github.com:davedelong/jekyll-pub.git
    echo "pulling..."
    pushd jekyll-pub
    git reset --hard HEAD
    git pull

echo "running..."
open -a MarsEdit .
swift run --package-path _swift/jekyll-pub jekyll-pub .

Running this script (./marsedit in my case) automatically clones and updates this repository, opens MarsEdit, and starts the XML-RPC server.

MarsEdit itself is configured to use this via its preferences. I added a new blog with these connection settings:

System Name: WordPress
System API: WordPress API
API Endpoint URL: http://localhost:9080
Blog ID: 1