
Object Oriented Program modeling a garage band and members.

Primary LanguagePython

Garage Band with OOP

Links & Resourdes


Create a Garage Band with Object Oriented Programming.

Feature Tasks and Requirements

Use Python classes to model a Band made up of different kinds of musicians.

Start with Guitarist,Bassist, and Drummer.

Make use of a Musician base class to handle common functionality which particular kinds of musicians will inherit.

User Acceptance Test

Unit tests will be supplied. Make them pass. Do NOT modify the supplied tests.

Band Tests

  • A Band instance should have a name attribute which is a string.
  • A Band instance should have a members attribute which is a list of instances that inherit from Musician base (or super) class.
  • A Band instance should have a play_solos method that asks each member musician to play a solo, in the order they were added to band.
  • A Band instance should have appropriate str and repr methods.
  • A Band should have a class method to_list which returns a list of previously created Band instances

Musician Subclass Tests

  • Each kind of Musician instance should have appropriate str and repr methods.
  • Each kind of Musician instance should have a get_instrument method that returns string.
  • Each kind of Musician instance should have a play_solo method that returns string.