Create a Garage Band with Object Oriented Programming.
Use Python classes to model a Band made up of different kinds of musicians.
Start with Guitarist,Bassist, and Drummer.
Make use of a Musician base class to handle common functionality which particular kinds of musicians will inherit.
Unit tests will be supplied. Make them pass. Do NOT modify the supplied tests.
- A Band instance should have a name attribute which is a string.
- A Band instance should have a members attribute which is a list of instances that inherit from Musician base (or super) class.
- A Band instance should have a play_solos method that asks each member musician to play a solo, in the order they were added to band.
- A Band instance should have appropriate str and repr methods.
- A Band should have a class method to_list which returns a list of previously created Band instances
- Each kind of Musician instance should have appropriate str and repr methods.
- Each kind of Musician instance should have a get_instrument method that returns string.
- Each kind of Musician instance should have a play_solo method that returns string.