
This project uses version esp32-cam-micropython-2022/ at: with uMail found at: and a modification found here: shawwwn/uMail#2 by pm4r to send an alarm to a local ESP32 server and then to send the image to Gmail.

Taking a good snapshot proved to be quite difficult until I found this thread: espressif/esp32-camera#314 and down near the bottom it was suggested to take 5-10 frames ignoring the first 4 or 9.

You need to do a system reset at the start, if doing a CTRL-C or the camera will not be properly initialised.

Found a camera.init() that waits for completion.

This script uses lightsleep as I thought it would wake up and take the image in less time then a full re-boot fron deepsleep. Lightsleep to image capture is about 1.5 seconds. Deepsleep takes about 2 seconds. Lightsleep current is about 15mA and deepsleep current is about 7mA.

Freezing the application might help to reduce this delay.

Ignore all the power_reset circuitry in ESP32_CAM_IR.pdf