Simple scripts that capture screenshots and videos.
- Download the DTMediaCapture project from this repository by pressing this link. It should automatically download the latest state of the master branch.
- Place the downloaded folder in your project. I recommend placing it in the Assets/Plugins directory so it doesn’t add to your compile time.
Uses Application.CaptureScreenshot to save a screenshot. To use:
- Add the Screenshotter script to your scene.
- (optional) Configure where the screenshots are saved.
- Press the capture screenshot button ('L' by default) when game is running.
To super-sample the current screen, change the superSizeFactor_.
Uses Time.captureFramerate to render out smooth captures. Combines frames into video with included ffmpeg executable (windows executable supported but untested).
- Add the Recorder script to your scene.
- (optional) Configure where the recordings are saved.
- Press the toggle recording button to start recording ('K' by default) when game is running.
- Press the toggle recording button again when finished recording.
To record video in a standalone build, make a copy of included ffmpeg and place it the "Non Editor Ffmpeg Path".
You can see how much time has been recorded through the "Recording Time_" variable.