Mandatory scripts for running regression tests on MMM Classroom machines.

Primary LanguageRoff


Mandatory scripts for running regression tests on MMM Classroom machines.

Crontab files

This system is run via the Unix crontab system.

MMM Classroom 150

#	WRF Regression test cron


#	Detect if a regression test has been requested
#	min	hour	day-mon	mon	day-wk	command
        */5	*	*	*	*	/classroom/dave/SCRIPTS/shared_cron.csh /classroom/dave/SCRIPTS /classroom/dave master=true >> $HOME/.wrf_reg_out.txt 2>&1

#	Every Sunday at midnight (UTC) remove the accumulated output file
#	min	hour	day-mon	mon	day-wk	command
	0	0	*	*	0	rm -f $HOME/.wrf_reg_out.txt > /dev/null 2>&1

MMM Classroom machines 101 through 123

#	WRF Regression test cron


#	Run test for new reg test every 5 min, with a 2 minute offset so the master can get ducks in a row
#	min				hour	day-mon	mon	day-wk	command
        7,12,17,22,27,32,37,42,47,52,57	*	*	*	*	/classroom/dave/SCRIPTS/shared_cron.csh /classroom/dave/SCRIPTS /classroom/dave master=false >> $HOME/.wrf_reg_out.txt 2>&1

#	Every Sunday at midnight (UTC) remove the accumulated output file
#	min	hour	day-mon	mon	day-wk	command
	0	0	*	*	0	rm -f $HOME/.wrf_reg_out.txt > /dev/null 2>&1


To activate the regression testing, a local file is copied and edited.

  1. Copy the file "run_template" to "RUN"
cp run_template RUN
  1. Edit this file as shown below.
  2. Change the permissions to world writeable, not executable.
chmod 666 RUN

Here is what a typical run_template file looks like:

Email: gill@ucar.edu
Fork: https://github.com/wrf-model
Repo: WRF
Branch: release-v4.1.1

This information is filled in as:

Email: where you want the results mailed to, single person
example: weiwang@ucar.edu
example: dudhia@ucar.edu

Fork: which github for
example: https://github.com/kkeene44
example: https://github.com/smileMchen

Repo: There are still people who have a repo that is named WRF-1
example: WRF
example: WRF-1

Branch: which branch to checkout
example: develop
example: master
example: release-v4.1.2