which.co.uk Technical Test 2.0a

A technical test around the use of docker and dynamic configuration.

Table of Contents


Either build the container locally with docker.

cd docker/httpd-proxy && docker build -t which-tech-test:latest -f Dockerfile .

or grab the pre built container (complete with obscured name).

docker pull davehewy/xmmgmtwauy:latest
docker tag davehewy/xmmgmtwauy:latest which-tech-test:latest



docker run -d --name "whichtest" which-tech-test:latest

For status page visit http://localhost:8081/status

For proxy configure browser to either or localhost:8080

Use different port mappings;

docker run -d --name "whichtest" -p 8090:8080 -p 8091:8081 which-tech-test:latest

The container supports the following env vars;

  • STATUS_REFRESH_PERIOD (defaults to 1)

Example using all env vars

docker run -d -e UNSET_HTTP_HEADER="User-Agent" -e SET_HTTP_HEADER="User-Agent:tech-test" \
     -e "STATUS_REFRESH_PERIOD=3" --name "whichtest" -p 8090:8080 -p 8091:8081 \

View the configs

docker exec whichtest cat /usr/local/apache2/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
docker exec whichtest cat /etc/cron.d/status-cron

Refer to the mandated test documentation for full implementation docs.


  • You will have by now hopefully have seen I am going to win no awards for the design of my status monitoring page.
  • I choose a simple crontab implementation for stats generation on an interval. Limitation ofc here is that you may only configure the schedule in mins. ideally would never be doing something like this anyway :) did get tempted to install node_exporter and reverse proxy apache's /status to it (but alas, time)
  • supervisor is being used to manage the multi service container. limitations ofc here in that this container should be split up. but since the test stated explicitly use a single container...