
A simple Dockerfile to run weewx with the interceptor driver.

Primary LanguagePython

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A simple Dockerfile to run weewx with the interceptor driver. The weewx-forecast extension is also installed along with weewx-wdc and weewx-cmon. There are branches available with weewx-DWD, weewx-mqtt, weewx-xcumulative and weewx-xaggs.


  • Make changes to src/install-input.txt and src/skin.conf
  • Build docker build . -t "weewx"
    • Default build args:
      • ARG WEEWX_VERSION="4.10.2"
      • ARG WDC_VERSION="v3.3.0"
  • Run docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -p 9877:9877 --name weewx weewx
  • Step into with docker exec -it weewx /bin/bash

Logs are in /var/log/syslog.

Working with named volumes

docker volume create weewx-db
docker volume create weewx-html
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -p 9877:9877 --name weewx -v weewx-db:/home/weewx/archive -v weewx-html:/home/weewx/public_html weewx

Run nginx with weewx generated files: docker run -it --rm -d -p 8080:80 --name web -v weewx-html:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx

docker compose

A simple docker-compose.yml is included which starts a nginx server on localhost:8080.

docker compose up -d


The template for the weewx install manager:

Value in txt weewx Spec
Haselbachtal, Saxony, Germany Station description
250, meter Altitude
51.209 latitude
14.085 longitude
y Register station
https://www.weewx-hbt.de/ Station Link
metric unit display
3 (is set to interceptor during installation) Driver

Here is the install output with the full dialogue:

Enter a brief description of the station, such as its location.  For example:
Santa's Workshop, North Pole
description [My Little Town, Oregon]:
Specify altitude, with units 'foot' or 'meter'.  For example:
35, foot
12, meter
altitude [700, foot]:
Specify latitude in decimal degrees, negative for south.
latitude [0.00]: Specify longitude in decimal degrees, negative for west.
longitude [0.00]:
You can register your station on weewx.com, where it will be included
in a map. You will need a unique URL to identify your station (such as a
website, or WeatherUnderground link).
Include station in the station registry (y/n)? [n]: Unique URL: [http://acme.com]:
Indicate the preferred units for display: ['us', 'metric', 'metricwx']
unit system [us]:
Installed drivers include:
  0) AcuRite         (weewx.drivers.acurite)
  1) CC3000          (weewx.drivers.cc3000)
  2) FineOffsetUSB   (weewx.drivers.fousb)
  3) Simulator       (weewx.drivers.simulator)
  4) TE923           (weewx.drivers.te923)
  5) Ultimeter       (weewx.drivers.ultimeter)
  6) Vantage         (weewx.drivers.vantage)
  7) WMR100          (weewx.drivers.wmr100)
  8) WMR300          (weewx.drivers.wmr300)
  9) WMR9x8          (weewx.drivers.wmr9x8)
 10) WS1             (weewx.drivers.ws1)
 11) WS23xx          (weewx.drivers.ws23xx)
 12) WS28xx          (weewx.drivers.ws28xx)
choose a driver [3]:

Weather Data Center Skin or any other skin

Comment the lines 32 and 48 in the Dockerfile to deactivate the weewx-wdc skin. Or replace the download and file name with your own skin you want to install.

Admin scripts


Saves a backup of a named volume to the desired location. This can be run via cron to backup the SQLite DB. The backup file has a date suffix. Optionally, you can add a S3 Bucket and path as a third parameter to copy the backup to S3. The local backup gets removed in this case.

Usage: ./admin_scripts/backup.sh <VOLUME> <OUTPUT_DIRECTORY> <OPTIONAL S3 BUCKET AND PATH>

Example: "./admin_scripts/backup.sh weewx-db ./exports weewx-backup-bucket s3-bucket-name/path"


Sync the generated HTML reports to a S3 bucket for web hosting. This needs the aws cli installed and configured. The volume path for a named volume should normally be something like /var/lib/docker/volumes/weewx-html/_data. Optionally you can add a third parameter with the Cloudfront Distribution ID to trigger an Invalidation for index.html.

For more information about AWS S3 static website hosting, see here https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/website-hosting-custom-domain-walkthrough.html#root-domain-walkthrough-create-buckets


Example: "./admin_scripts/sync-s3.sh /var/lib/docker/volumes/weewx-html/_data weewx_web/"

I am using these two scripts as cronjobs on my PI installation:

# m h  dom mon dow   command
*/10 * * * * PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin && /home/pi/weewx-interceptor-docker/admin_scripts/sync-s3.sh /var/lib/docker/volumes/weewx-html/_data www.weewx-hbt.de/ XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0 8 * * * PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin && /home/pi/weewx-interceptor-docker/admin_scripts/backup.sh weewx-db /tmp weewx-backup-sdb


The Dockerfile is tested using dgoss:

dgoss run -p 9877:9877 weewx

Credits and further reading
