Proxmox: Use Custom Cloud-Init File (User-Data)
How to use a custom Cloud-Init YAML-File with Proxmox:
Assumption: In your proxmox environment is a VM with ID 9001 and cloud-init installed (run Ubuntu Cloud Image Template on Proxmox & create VM from template & come back:)
- Create a folder in the default proxmox path on the host:
mkdir /var/lib/vz/cloud-init/ ; cd /var/lib/vz/cloud-init/
- Download the example cloud-init.yml file and save it to 9001-cloud-init.yml:
wget -O 9001-cloud-init.yml
- Customize it:
nano 9001-cloud-init.yml
(See official cloud-init Documentation) - Update the VM settings to use your default cloud-init:
qm set 9001 --cicustom "user=local:cloud-init/9001-cloud-init.yml"
- Start VM:
qm start 9001
I used Ubuntu 20.04 Cloud Image to test it out (see my little gist on: How to install a Ubuntu Cloud Image Template on Proxmox).
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