
These files provide an integration test infrastructure for Fork CMS.

Primary LanguagePHP

Integration/functional testing with Behat + Mink in Fork CMS

These files provide an infrastructure to create integration tests for your Fork CMS app.
They are developed against Fork 3.5.1 and are not a perfect integration.
That said, so far it has proven to save a considerable amount of time in a number of Real World™ projects.

The following packages are used:

  • Behat, a BDD framework including webdrivers.
  • Faker, a library used to generate fixtures.
  • Selenium automates browsers.


  1. Move all files in this repo to your Fork CMS project root (by means of a git remote or manually)
  2. Run ./configure_tests.sh

This does the following things for you:

  • Installs a global composer if you don't have one set up.
  • Installs Selenium standalone server so you can run javascript-related tests.
  • It adds Behat, Mink, Faker and all related packages to the project's composer.json.
  • Runs a composer update and installs the above packages


You will need a test database so none of your data gets compromised while running the tests.
Simply create a copy of your app's database with the same name + _test appended to it.

Example: If your app's database name is forkcms, your test database should be named forkcms_test.

Note that it should be accessible with the same user/password as your app's database.

Running the tests

Composer generated a bin/ folder containing a symlink to the installed Behat executable in the vendor folders.

Run all available tests:


Run a specific feature:

bin/behat tests/fork/api/_login.feature


Scenarios tagged with @fixtures will load the fixtures before running the scenario.
After such a scenario is finished running, all loaded fixtures will be cleared.


Scenarios marked with the @javascript tag require a Selenium server to be up and running.

To start a Selenium server, run the following command:

java -jar /usr/local/bin/selenium-server-standalone-2.31.0.jar

You probably want to add an alias to your ~/.bashrc or dotfiles of choice so you don't have to type the full command each time:

alias selenium='java -jar /usr/local/bin/selenium-server-standalone-2.31.0.jar'


By default Selenium uses Firefox to run in-browser tests, so make sure it's installed.

Help! My Firefox is installed in a custom location and Selenium can't find it!

You need to add the Firefox binary to your PATH variable so Selenium knows where to look for it:

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS


If you want to learn to write tests yourself, read up on the behat/mink docs: