The Internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.
- John Gilmore
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) information on Telegram Messenger @corona_cases_bot
continent-name -> country-names
continent-code -> country-codes
lein repl
(require 'corona.web)
(def server (corona.web/-main))
(require '[corona.telegram])
See localhost:5000.
Using fish-shell: see
- Graphs: -- better user experience - show: only interpolated graphs relative numbers (e.g. percentage) logarithmic scale
- Prediction - extrapolate graphs
- Use buttons instead of
- Don't panic: Compare data: Corona vs. Flu vs. World population and Show deaths rates distribution by age / age-groups; probability calculator
- Automate repo CSSEGISandData/COVID-19 snapshot download
- Create web-service under even for own use