- cd theHawkerStorey
- touch .env (copy everything from .env.example)
- npm i express dotenv nodemon mongoose bcrypt express-session cors
- npm i cloudinary multer path cors
- npm i http-status-codes
- npm i jsonwebtoken
- cd client
- npm install
- npm i react-router react-router-dom
- npm install @material-ui/core @material-ui/icons
- npm install @material-ui/lab
- npm install --save material-ui-dropzone
- npm i react-query
- npm i axios
- npm i cloudinary-react
- npm install react-stack-grid
- npm run start
- git branch <== to check branch
- git branch <== to create new branch
- git checkout -b <== simultaneously creates and checks out branch
- git checkout <== to switch branch
- git add <== example ==> git add server.js
- git commit -m "you know what to do ^.^"
- git push <== then copy command provided in terminal OR
- git push -u origin
- go to the link from terminal and create Pull request <==> starts with ==> "Create a pull request for...."
- git status
- git log
- git log --graph --oneline --all <== show tree-view log
- git diff <== show the difference
- git branch -d <== delete branch locally
- git checkout master
- git merge
git checkout
git rebase master
npm i cloudinary multer path
update .env file with your API keys:
CLOUDINARY_UPLOAD_PRESET (optional - preset for unsigned uploading)