
A list of all the Land Cover datasets in Google Earth Engine.

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List of Land Cover datasets in the GEE Catalog


A list of all the Land Cover (or discrete) datasets in Google Earth Engine.

Values, Colors and Descriptions

The list of values, colors and descriptions for each Land Cover dataset (check the list here) is presented in the ee-land-cover-datasets.json file.


The structure of the list follows this standard:

    'dataset_id': {
        'band1_name': {
            'color': {
                "value1": "color1",
            'description': {
                "value1": "description1",
        'band2_name': {
            'color': {
                "value1": "color1",
            'description': {
                "value1": "description1",

The color and description parameters for each Land Cover band are obtained from the gee:classes attribute for each one of the bands in the eo:bands key of the Land Cover raster datasets in the Google Earth Engine STAC.

If a specific band doesn't have the gee:classes attribute, it is not included. If no bands of a dataset have the gee:classes attribute, the dataset is not included. If a raster dataset doesn't have bands in the eo:bands attribute, the dataset is also not included in this list.


Check the full list of here.

Download Raw Files

You can download or clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/davemlz/ee-land-cover-datasets.git

Or you can download the single file here (right-click > Save link as...):


The list is updated every day from the Google Earth Engine STAC by using GitHub Actions.