Android library (AAR). Highly configurable, easily extendable deep zoom view for displaying huge images without loss of detail. Perfect for photo galleries, maps, building plans etc.
- 0
Smooth scrolling of images
#585 opened by sermyagin - 0
Useless library ever
#584 opened by shahzad1 - 0
- 0
[FR] Scaling algorithms
#580 opened by radry - 0
- 1
- 1
bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) binding.imgResult.getDrawable()).getBitmap(); does not work
#578 opened by RafiAhsanal - 1
how to get displacement coordinates?
#577 opened by n1ebe - 3
how to use img as gif
#575 opened by baigao2015 - 1
rota image
#574 opened by cjcj125125 - 4
SSIV in Jetpack Compose (AndroidView)
#548 opened by lukaspieper - 2
Open picture blinks
#567 opened by MouseKing1993 - 1
the image rotate auto
#568 opened by andrewsSong - 1
NullPointException Attempt to read from field "Anim.listener" on a null object reference
#569 opened by PeacefulGemini - 0
Displaying more than one image in the same view
#573 opened by rvnses - 0
Server Image URL is not showing
#572 opened by rmbhati - 0
Earn Up to $100 By Referring Friends to PayPal
#571 opened by ataljka - 0
- 0
How do I get the zoom center coordinates
#566 opened by cjcj125125 - 0
Can a single image be scrolled infinitely?
#565 opened by wangshyandroid - 1
onSingleTapConfirmed gesture only being called when debugger is attached
#561 opened by akashpopat-honest - 6
Crash when opening HEIC and zoom in
#559 opened by tprochazka - 1
Couldn't load memtrack module
#564 opened by weekend8394 - 1
How to compute scale for fitting the image's height?
#562 opened by gotson - 1
How to tell if the image can be panned or not?
#563 opened by gotson - 5
- 7
ScaleType :FitXy doesn't work.
#560 opened by passmanagerapp - 2
WebP support
#557 opened by navimakarov - 1
slide callback
#554 opened by iielse - 1
Any method for your work to do the scaling on small imageview, and handle onclick event?
#556 opened by alexchow2014 - 3
Warning: W/od.evomapmarke: Long monitor contention with owner AsyncTask...
#532 opened by infinitesoft13 - 1
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How to use Fade animation on image load?
#538 opened by flamyoad - 3
App Crash when setting same bitmap again.
#545 opened by mostafaimran - 1
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targetSdkVersion - 30? Is OK?
#550 opened by wc0811 - 1
How to zoom image when i click button?
#558 opened by SonNTDN3 - 1
Scale over 0.3 produces black (blank) screen
#549 opened by bio007 - 4
native crash
#534 opened by surcreak - 0
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New release with androidx components
#547 opened by daentech - 3
Glide compatibility
#543 opened by Duna - 1
Add support for showing image from url.
#542 opened by mostafaimran - 0
- 1
Seems to be unable to display gif pictures
#540 opened by wulaizi - 1
Image failed to decode using JPEG decoder error with an image that has an sRGB color profile
#539 opened by Kranuh - 3
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Failed to initialise bitmap decoder
#535 opened by midou221 - 0
- 0
Attempt to read from field 'float android.graphics.PointF.x' on a null object reference
#529 opened by tom5079