get configmaps into clusters from vault

this repo contains some go code to pull secrets from a predefined path in vault and output a kubernetes configmap object for application directly to a kubernetes cluster or for encryption and storage in version control to keep history of versioned objects that contain secrets.

how to use this software

git clone this repo, cd into go-vaultmaps:


Usage of vaultmaps:
  -github-token string
    	your github token (default "fake-token")
  -output-path string
    	path to output file, default is . (default ".")
  -secret-path string
    	secret path (default "fake-path")
  -vault-address string
    	vault address (default "")

you can also set commandline flags with environment variables:

VAULT_ADDR="<https:// address for vault>" 
SECRET_PATH="<vault path>" 

how to build with this repo

git clone this repo, cd into go-vaultmaps, then:

go get -v "" \
	 "" \
go build -o vaultmaps vaultmaps.go && chmod +x vaultmaps


if you haven't got go set up you can always git clone this repo, then

docker build . -t vaultmaps

in this case you'll need to use the -output-path option like so

docker run -v `pwd`:/tmp vaultmaps -vault-address="" -github-token="<your-token>" -secret-path=github/data/mpc-film/secured/service-multisiteQueue/bglr-stage -output-path=/tmp