OP Configurator 3000

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

OpenProcessing Configurator 3000

This is a helper library that allows sketches on OpenProcessing to provide a UI to play with dynamic variables in their sketches. At the moment, UI components are only displayed if sketch is viewed on OpenProcessing, otherwise they are ignored and variables are set to 'defaultValue'.


See the full demo on OpenProcessing.

A simple example below will display a range slider that you can change live while playing your sketch.

//var radius = 10; //instead of defining a variable, use below
OPC.slider('radius', 10);

function setup() {
    createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);

function draw() {
    circle(mouseX, mouseY, radius);

Available Options


Displays a range slider that user can change.

OPC.slider(variableName, defaultValue, [min], [max], [step]);
//example: OPC.slider('radius', 10, 1, 100, 1);


min: 0

max: 2*defaulValue

step: defaultValue/10 (divides the slider to 10 steps)


Displays a true/false toggle. Also support values 1/0.

OPC.toggle(variableName, defaultValue);
//example: OPC.toggle('hasFill', false);

Defaults defaultValue: true


Displays a single-line text entry field. Optional placeholder text is displayed if there is no text in the text field.

OPC.text(variableName, defaultValue, [placeholder]);
//example: OPC.text('my_text', '', 'Enter Title');


Displays a button. You should use buttonPressed and/or buttonReleased events (see below) to detect user interaction. For simple interactions, using buttonReleased function should suffice. buttonText parameter is used in the button text, and it is also set as the default value for the button variable.

OPC.button(variableName, buttonText);
//example: OPC.button('myButton', 'Click Me!');


defaultValue: 'Click Me!'


Displays a single color selector. Uses the native browser color picker, so the interface may vary. Hex values are recommended. Alpha values are not supported.

OPC.color(variableName, defaultValue);
//example: OPC.color('bg_color', '#ffffff');


defaultValue: #333333

Color Palette

Allows user to switch color palette used, by looping through the options given in 'palleteOptions'. Each pallete is an array of colors (HEX values). If 'defaultValue' is not provided, than first item of the array is used as default. 'defaultValue' may be set to something else other that the ones provided in the array, however, it is not recommended since user will not be able to use it again after changing the pallete.

OPC.palette(variableName, palleteOptions, [defaultValue]);


        ["#eabfcb", "#c191a1", "#a4508b", "#5f0a87", "#2f004f"],
        ["#c3dfe0", "#bcd979", "#9dad6f", "#7d6d61", "#5e574d"],
        ["#4464ad", "#a4b0f5", "#f58f29", "#7d4600", "#466995"]


defaultValue: first option in paletteOptions array

Select (Dropdown)

Allows users to choose an option from a given set of options using an HTML Select (Dropdown). Options can be provided either as an array (such as [1,2,3,4,5]) or a key->value object (such as {"A Lot": 5,"Few": 3,"One": 1}). In the latter case, keys are used as a label in Select UI, and the value of the selection is assigned to the variable.

OPC.select(variableName, options, [defaultValue]);
//example with array: OPC.select('circles', [5,4,3,2,1]);
//example with key/value: OPC.select('circles', {"A Lot": 5,"Few": 3,"One": 1});


defaultValue: first value in options array/object.

Passing Arguments as Objects

All OPC components can also be created by passing an object of arguments, such as below. This also allows passing in additional parameters [label, description].

	name: 'stroke_weight',
	value: 3,
	min: 1,
	max: 10,
	label: 'Circle Border',
	description: 'Changes the border size of the circle'

Note that, the object values are copied and are not referenced; Changing the object arguments at a later time will not effect the OPC component.


parameterChanged(variableName, value)

To get an alert everytime a variable changes, you can create "parameterChanged" function in your sketch. For example, if your sketch requires resizing when user changes a variable, you can use this function to get the alert and make necessary changes.


function parameterChanged(variableName, value) {
    if (variableName === 'canvasSize') {
        resizeCanvas(value, value);
        print('Canvas size updated');

buttonPressed([variableName], [value])

To get an alert everytime user presses a button. If you are using multiple buttons, you can differentiate by looking up the variableName.


function buttonPressed(variableName, value) {
	if (variableName === 'myButton') {
		print('Button is pressed');

buttonReleased([variableName], [value])

To get an alert everytime user releases a pressed a button. If you are using multiple buttons, you can differentiate by looking up the variableName.


function buttonPressed(variableName, value) {
	if (variableName === 'myButton') {
		print('Button is released');



Collapses the OPC configurator panel. Example



Expands the OPC configurator panel. Example



Deletes a variable and removes its UI component from the interface. Example
