
A shader graph library to enable p5 shader plugins

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A shader graph library to enable p5 shader plugins

What's this for?

p5 has a lively community, including many libraries. However, it is currently difficult to make WebGL libraries, as there is no easy way to extend p5's shader system without copy-and-pasting the existing shaders from p5's source code. This requires a deep understanding of p5, and can cause plugins to go out of date when p5 implementations change.

This library is a proof of concept to see if there is a way p5 can provide a shader API that libraries can build off of.

How will it work?

The snippet graph

Shaders are broken down into a graph of snippets, where each one is a function:

const ApplyCamera = new ShaderSnippet(`
  vec4 applyCamera(mat4 mvMatrix, mat4 projMatrix, vec3 worldPos) {
    return mvMatrix * projMatrix * worldPos;

You can connect snippets together to the different inputs and outputs of a shader:

const applyCamera = ApplyCamera.instantiate()

When you've connected something to shader.position and shader.color, you can output full shader source code:

const { vert, frag } = shader.build()

Replacing default functionality

The idea is to make a shader system where you can easily replace parts. If a default graph is provided, you can rewire pieces, such as by replacing the logic for the pixel color:

const MakeColor = new ShaderSnippet(`vec4 makeColor() { return vec4(1., 0., 0., 1.); }`)

In addition to standard shader outputs (position and color), the default shader can also expose and document intermediate values. For example, instead of fully replacing the screen position, one could instead replace the input to the camera transform:


Backwards compatibility

We ideally want to support both WebGL 2 (GLSL ES 300) and WebGL 1. This often means providing slightly different implementations, sometimes using extensions. Snippets can handle both cases:

const ReadTexture = new ShaderSnippet(({ version }) => `
  vec4 applyCamera(sampler2D img, vec2 coord) {
    return ${version === 300
      ? 'texture(img, coord)'
      : 'texture2D(img, coord)'
`, {
  extensions: ({ version }) => [], // return a string of extension names here

When you build a graph, you can specify a version and see what extensions it requires:

const shader = new ShaderGraph({ version: 300 })
// ...
const { vert, frag, extensions } = shader.build()