
Nature-inspired game experiment with Phaser.io

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Leafy's Trip: a phaser.js platform game

Leafy's Trip is a platform game about finding your sister. It's also my first game I'm hoping to publish to the iOS App Store.

Install locally

  1. git clone https://github.com/daverau/leafy && cd leafy
  2. npm install -g browser-sync if you don't already have it
  3. browser-sync start --server
  4. Open Chrome Developer Tools and toggle the iPhone5 responsive view
  5. Play!


  1. Touch screen or up arrow to jump
  2. Collect the blue acorns for upgrades
  3. Jump on bees until you have flowers



  • [feature] story intro animation
  • [polish] win screen with animation
  • [polish] background layer & day/night shift
  • [polish] world changes
  • [polish] music
  • [optimize] custom phaser build grunt custom --exclude gamepad,retrofont,video,rope,net,ninja,creature,p2,tilemaps



  • [bug] level 6 text bug
  • [polish] final platform added fresh, so you're not crashing the game!
  • [polish] finish ring jump refactoring
  • [polish] refactor acorn rings
  • [polish] change leafy color from menu


  • [polish] platform gen vars.score + vars.worldSize is more accurate for levels
  • [analytics] phonegap google analytics plugin fixed and data coming thru again


  • [polish] level gen text is properly placed now if (offCamera(game.levelText) && vars.score > (isLevel() * vars.levelEveryX) - (game.width / (2 * vars.ratio)))
  • [xcode] bump version for ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption=false entry in config.xml and plist
  • [optimize] compress all images
  • [optimize] remove unused code


  • [feature] endgame with doorway
  • [optimize] reduce garbage collection
  • [optimize] refactor platform repositioning
  • [polish] clouds
  • [polish] scale trees as you go higher in levels



  • background water could be better; color refinements to world
  • score UI animate; keep blue leaves and flowers after falling
  • arrange blue leaves a pattern, move from gaps
  • jump sound should fire only once (doesn't loop the whole time you're jumping due to update())
  • double jump sound fixed with allowMultiple = true
  • [bug] fix performance on resume (requestAnimationFrame wasn't pausing)
  • jump on bees, 1-way movement, fewer bees
  • [bug] fix leafy jump animation


  • short/long jumps based on button press duration
  • allow leafy to jump just after falling off gaps
  • tighter typography
  • button hover and click sounds
  • runmode: always run to the right
  • double jump! much more fun for jumping overbees


  • fall off screen to gameover/score/highscore/restart
  • start + end screens
  • rain on timer removed particle emitter for rain and increased fps to ~60! horray!
  • sad face on death
  • animate gameover


  • GA basic (event tracking)[https://github.com/danwilson/google-analytics-plugin]
  • refactor objects for reposition vs destroy&recreate (better fps ~40-52)
  • rework wrapping/camera follow game.camera.bounds.setTo(null,null); and game.camera.bounds.height = game.height; did the trick
  • refine jump boost gain on leaf pickup with max value
  • earn points for gap jumps
  • refactor gap generation (increase mobile framerate from ~12fps to ~40fps)
  • optimize world for mobile
  • reduce world size from 50,000 pixels to 3x screen width


  • refine gaps (only a dozen vs 500 before)
  • add gulp uglify, and rsync tasks
  • submit to iOS app store (testflight beta)
  • wrap in phonegap
  • add touch controls
  • add game structure for start/end states
  • blue leaf jump boost (removed)
  • jump on trees you plant (removed)
  • moon and rain
  • add player inventory
  • add gaps to require jumping
  • add flower pickups
  • crude plant trees working (removed)


  • draw add bee enemy
  • owl comes back after time
  • quick trees in front with a second loop and tree.group
  • owl flys away on first collide
  • add leaf pick-ups with sound and simple counter
  • weighted randomization for more interesting tree distribution (needs more refinement, perhaps with less overlap)
  • add UI text for distance
  • kill player on world bound exit
  • expand world size
  • add tree pngs
  • retina issues mostly resolved using * vars.ratio


My original concept sketch was inspired by a gamejam theme about "growing"

Ideas for v2

  • secret underground level
  • breakable objects
  • shop UI
  • stairs
  • power-ups like double jump