A collection of utilities to help with unit-testing Sequelize models
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sequelize-cli init
#384 opened by ardaorkin - 0
Can i use this with jest
#409 opened by alisherafat01 - 1
makeMockModels function I think you have a typo on your README and the npm page please fix that
#366 opened by CustomHaven - 2
Incorrect peer dep
#356 opened by richardsimko - 8
checking unique and non-unique indexes
#345 opened by rconstantine - 1
Non-unique is the default for indexes so don't require a `unique: false` in the actual check
#348 opened by davesag - 1
Feature request - non-unique compound indices
#347 opened by rconstantine - 1
Support for Jest
#326 opened by imjordanxd - 6
ReferenceError: context is not defined
#111 opened by carlhussey - 6
facing an issue with checkModelName
#243 opened by ikrma47 - 0
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Support for DataTypes.VIRTUAL constructor?
#161 opened by ThomasGHenry - 4
No TypeScript type definitions
#53 opened by wyqydsyq - 2
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does sequelize-test-helpers work with jest?
#134 opened by emclab - 3
#136 opened by kasp4770 - 2
An in-range update of @stryker-mutator/javascript-mutator is breaking the build 🚨
#135 opened by greenkeeper - 15
Allow testing of models constructed via Model.init
#115 opened by rv4Flyver - 1
An in-range update of @stryker-mutator/javascript-mutator is breaking the build 🚨
#116 opened by greenkeeper - 2
Accessing stubbed functions on Models results in "received value must be a mock or spy function"
#102 opened by dieterwalckiers - 8
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Explain in Readme that you can pass a custom models location to makeMockModels
#100 opened by davesag - 1
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logo contribution
#86 opened by reallinfo - 1
An in-range update of @stryker-mutator/mocha-framework is breaking the build 🚨
#84 opened by greenkeeper - 1
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An in-range update of @stryker-mutator/javascript-mutator is breaking the build 🚨
#83 opened by greenkeeper - 1
An in-range update of @stryker-mutator/mocha-runner is breaking the build 🚨
#85 opened by greenkeeper - 1
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An in-range update of @stryker-mutator/mocha-runner is breaking the build 🚨
#79 opened by greenkeeper - 1
An in-range update of @stryker-mutator/javascript-mutator is breaking the build 🚨
#76 opened by greenkeeper - 1
An in-range update of @stryker-mutator/mocha-framework is breaking the build 🚨
#77 opened by greenkeeper - 1
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