
Global AI Agencies - an offshoot of GATO. Advocating for national, international, and global AI research and safety

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Global AI Agencies (GAIA) Initiative

Global AI Agencies - an offshoot of GATO Framework. Advocating for national, international, and global AI research and safety.


2023-03-22 - FLI Open Letter: Pause Giant AI Models

TLDR: Future of Life Institute published an open letter, signed by more than 32,000 people, asking for a moratorium on giant LLM research. It was accompanied with a more comprehensive paper describing the technological risks and policy recommendations. A summary of the policy recommendations is available here.

2023-03-29 - UK Pro-Innovation AI Regulation

TLDR: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/ai-regulation-a-pro-innovation-approach (more coming)

2023-05-12 - U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres amenable to "IAEA for AI"

TLDR: https://www.reuters.com/technology/un-chief-backs-idea-global-ai-watchdog-like-nuclear-agency-2023-06-12/ (pretty much what the header says)

2023-05-16 - Senate Hearing on AI

TLDR: The US Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing with Sam Altman, Gary Marcus, and Christina Montgomery (IBM). The discussion was huge and wide ranging, but they talked extensively about the need for regulation. You can see a comprehensive summary of the transcript here.

2023-06-14 - EU AI Act

TLDR: The EU AI Act is in the works. It's a sweeping and comprehensive proposed legislation that focuses on classifying AI into several categories (unacceptable uses, high risk uses, and low risks). The central idea is to prevent businesses and governments from engaging in unacceptable uses of AI (such as a social credit and surveillance system) and to strongly regulate high risk cases (life and death, justice, rights). You can read a summary of the EU AI Act here.

2023-06-20 - US House AI Commission

TLDR: US House to launch a bipartisan AI advisory commission. You can read the summary here.

2023-06-21 - US Senate SAFE Innovation Framework

TLDR: Senator Chuck Schumer is introducing the SAFE Innovation Framework designed to prioritize AI innovation but to do so safely. You can read the summary here.

2023-06-29 - Pope endorses ITEC Organizational Roadmap

TLDR: This is a comprehensive document outlining corporate governance and ethics in AI. It is broken up into sections to address major internal departments, such as C-level, HR, Legal, and others. ITEC Framework