ReasonReact with Storybook

This is an example on how to run Storybook with ReasonML. Thanks to bs-storybook.



  • Being able to write ReasonML Stories the same way as React
  • Provide a minimum reproducible demo
  • Showcase the configuration
  • Explore current limitations


This is how to use Story API

open BsStorybook;

module ButtonWithEmoji = {
  let make = () =>
    <button onClick={Action.action("I clicked The Button!")}>
      <span role="img" ariaLabel="so cool">
        {React.string({js| 😀 😎 👍 💯 |js})}

/* module is a reserved keyword in Reason and storybook needs
Node's module for hot-reloading, we get it with bs.raw */
let module_ = [%bs.raw "module"];

Story.storiesOf("Button", module_)
->(Story.add("with Text", () => <ButtonWithEmoji />));

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