
A simple Vue.js directive to map BEM CSS class names.

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Vue Simple BEM

A simple Vue.js directive to map BEM CSS class names.


Install using your package manager of choice.

yarn add vue-simple-bem

npm i --save vue-simple-bem

You can install the directive as a global dependency. The configuration options are optional.

import Vue from 'vue';
import bem from 'vue-simple-bem';

Vue.use(bem, {...});

You can also import it directly into a component. Note that you do not use the default export when using this method.

import { bem } from 'vue-simple-bem';

export default {
  name: 'MyComponent',
  directives: { bem }

What is BEM?

Before continuing, you may want to get familiar with BEM and the problem it's solving.

At it's simplest, it is a css naming convention that keeps your selectors flat and expresses an explicit relationship between classes in a component.

Here is some further reading:


A simple example.

export default {
  name: 'MyComponent',

  <div v-bem>
    <div v-bem:sampleText>Example Text</div>
  • The root div will become <div class="my-component">. The Block name is derived from component name.
  • The child element div will become <div class="my-component__sample-text">

Example with modifiers

export default {
  name: 'MyComponent',
  props: {
    bold: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: true
    italics: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: true
    center: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: false

  <div v-bem="{ bold, emphasizeText: italics }">
    <div v-bem:sampleText="{ bold, center }">Example Text</div>
  • The root div will become <div class="my-component my-component--bold my-component--emphasize-text">
  • The child element div will become <div class="my-component__sample-text my-component__sample-text--bold">

Example with simplified modifiers

If a modifier isn't dynamic then you can use this syntax.

export default {
  name: 'MyComponent'

  <div v-bem.floatLeft>
    <div v-bem:sampleText.italics>Example Text</div>
  • The root div will become <div class="my-component my-component--float-left">
  • The child element div will become <div class="my-component__sample-text my-component__sample-text--italics">

Example using both simple modifiers and dynamic modifiers

You can use both together as well.

export default {
  name: 'MyComponent',
  props: {
    bold: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: true

  <div v-bem.floatLeft>
    <div v-bem:sampleText.italics="{ bold }">Example Text</div>
  • The root div will become <div class="my-component my-component--float-left">
  • The child element div will become <div class="my-component__sample-text my-component__sample-text--bold my-component__sample-text--italics">



The BEM block will automatically use the name of the component. If the component does not have a name then it will fallback to using bem-block. The component's name may be either pascal cased or kebab cased. The name will be converted into kebab casing either way for the CSS class name.

If the component's name is SomeComponent then the CSS block class name will be some-component. If the component's name is another-component then the CSS block class name will be the same.

Block Modifiers

If you bind an object with properties to the directive then anything that evaluates as truthy will be converted to kebab casing and used as a block modifier. The below example will add the following CSS classes.

  • my-component
  • my-component--bold-text
  • my-component--italics
export default {
  name: 'MyComponent'

  <div v-bem="{ boldText: true, underline: false, italics: true }">
    Some Text

If a modifier is permanent and does not need to be evaluated then you may use the below syntax. The classes will be the same as above.

export default {
  name: 'MyComponent'

  <div v-bem.boldText.italics>
    Some Text

You can also mix these two syntaxes together. The result will be the same. The object values inside of the quotations will take precedence.

export default {
  name: 'MyComponent'

  <div v-bem.boldText.italics="{ underline: false }">
    Some Text


You may add an element CSS class using the below syntax. The block portion will still use the component's name. The below example will generate CSS element classes called my-component__some-elem and my-component__text respectively.

export default {
  name: 'MyComponent'

  <div v-bem>
    <span v-bem:someElem>Some Text</span>
    <span v-bem:text>More Text</span>

Element Modifiers

The syntax remains the same for element modifiers as it does for block modifiers. The below example will generate the following classes.

  • my-component__some-elem--bold
  • my-component__some-elem--underline
  • my-component__text--underline
export default {
  name: 'MyComponent'

  <div v-bem>
    <span v-bem:someElem="{ bold: true, underline: true, center: false }">Some Text</span>
    <span v-bem:text="{ bold: false, underline: true }">More Text</span>

Here is that example again using the alternative syntax if the modifiers do not need to be evaluated.

export default {
  name: 'MyComponent'

  <div v-bem>
    <span v-bem:someElem.bold.underline>Some Text</span>
    <span v-bem:text.underline>More Text</span>

Once again with the combined syntaxes.

export default {
  name: 'MyComponent'

  <div v-bem>
    <span v-bem:someElem.bold.underline="{ center: false }">Some Text</span>
    <span v-bem:text.underline="{ bold: false }">More Text</span>

Plugin Configuration


default: 'bem'

This changes the name the directive is registered as. This will change the directive in your template. The below example shows adding a block after changing the name to 'css'.

  <div v-css>Example Text</div>