
Use Redis for the Checkpoint and Lease manager with Azure Event Processor Host (EPH) in Java

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Redis EPH Checkpoints


Use a Redis database for checkpoints with using the Azure Event Processor Host (EPH) for Azure Event Hubs.

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    <version>[LATEST VERSION]</version>

Example Usage

MetadataEventProcessorFactory eventProcessorFactory = context.createBean(YourProcessorFactoryClass.class);

String processorHostName = EventProcessorHost.createHostName("hostname");
RedisCheckpointOptions options = new RedisCheckpointOptions(processorHostName, "redis.host.name");
options.setCheckpointKeyName(processorHostName); // Required option
options.setLeaseDurationInMillis(45 * 1000); // Set to 45 seconds if you want. Defaults to 30 seconds.

RedisCheckpointLeaseManager checkpointLeaseManager = new RedisCheckpointLeaseManager(options);

eventProcessorHost = EventProcessorHost.EventProcessorHostBuilder
  .newBuilder(hostName, "consumer-group")
  .useUserCheckpointAndLeaseManagers(checkpointLeaseManager, checkpointLeaseManager)

PartitionManagerOptions partitionManagerOptions = new PartitionManagerOptions();
partitionManagerOptions.setLeaseDurationInSeconds(45); // Maybe want to set this to match the lease duration set above
partitionManagerOptions.setLeaseRenewIntervalInSeconds(30); // Probably want to set this to a number below the lease duration

eventProcessorHost.registerEventProcessorFactory(eventProcessorFactory, options).get();

Be sure to look at the RedisCheckpointOptions class for other available options and their descriptions.