
Dave Stewart's personal website

Primary LanguageVue

Dave Stewart

Dave Stewart's personal website at https://davestewart.co.uk


The following frontmatter key/values can be used.


Key Description
title The post title
shortTitle A short post title to show on index pages
description The post description
date The publish date in the form yyyy-mm-dd (set in the future to schedule)
breadcrumb Text to use for the navigation breadcrumb
tags A list of tags to show and appear in Search
github Github repo in the form user/repo
preview Set to true to skip from thumbnail lists, but accessible by URL
hidden Set to true to show in development but not production
<any> Any other data to be referenced in the page

Post media

Key Description
media Top level key for media
media.thumbnail File path to thumbnail image
media.opengraph File path to social preview image
media.featured File path to featured post image
media.gallery List of gallery file paths (replaces featured)
media.<any> Any other data to be referenced in the page

Optionally, the gallery node can hold more information:

Key Description
media.gallery List of gallery file paths
media.gallery.src Optional image file path
media.gallery.text Optional caption text
media.gallery.href Optional link to image


Key Description
layout The layout for the index thumbnails, choose fromfolder, tree
order The order of this folder in the parent list
toc An optional table of content to show, and which levels, for example, 2,3


Page Status is determined by the boolean hidden, preview and date frontmatter properties:

Value Description
new Has a date, is published, and within 30 days of being published
scheduled Has a date, but not yet published, so hidden on production
preview No date, but visible on production
draft Hidden on production, visible in development
hidden Hidden everywhere