
Demonstrates project structure for running arbitrary Java code on AWS' lambda service.

Primary LanguageJava


Demonstrates project structure for running arbitrary Java code on AWS' lambda service.


This project uses maven to produce a shaded jar.

    $ mvn clean install
    $ ls target/lambda-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
    $ java -jar target/lambda-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar


Some screenshots to help you deploy on AWS' lambda service.

Configure a New Lambda

Configure a New Lambda

Configure Test Event

Define the JSON payload that you'll use to test the lambda each time you upload a new version. Configure Test Event

Test It

Now actually run the test. Test It

Schedule It

You can schedule lambda execution via a special input event. Schedule It

Define Scheduled Event Content

Our scheduled event doesn't have a payload yet. Let's fix that. Define Scheduled Event Content

Check CloudWatch

Wait five minutes; then check cloud watch. Check CloudWatch