
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Create a link and track all the headers that request it!


To track:


example: emailPixel.example.com/t/xyz

To track an :id. You can use this anywhere you want. Best usage would be as in image in an email. Example:

<img src="emailPixel.example.com/t/xyz" alt="signature">

To read:

example: emailPixel.example.com/r/xyz

This will return a JSON back to you with an array of all the headers that hit the tracking link with a timestamp.

How to install?

Easy 3 Steps to get started!

Step 1 Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/davext/emailpixel.git

Step 2 Set up your environment variable.

cp .envExample .env
vim .env

Then add your Mongo DB URI to the file in this format:


Step 3 We would essentially need to run it. So it depends if you want to try it out first, you can

npm run track.js

However, if you'd like to use it in production, I would recommend using pm2 and a reverse NGINX proxy and secure it with a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate Your NGINX file should look like this: https://gist.github.com/davext/2653de2b07503eafe6f0d52b59ba64fa