
A Vim plugin for editing and playing Alda scores

Primary LanguageVim Script


A plugin for Vim providing support for editing and playing Alda scores.


  • This plugin currently only works on Neovim.

    It would be nice if it worked on Vim, too, but I haven't been able to figure out how get that working without needing to rewrite a bunch of Neovim-specific code to conditionally use either Neovim's or Vim's background jobs APIs.

    If you use Vim and you're interested in contributing support for Vim, I would greatly appreciate it!


  • Syntax highlighting and filetype detection.
  • Score navigation via [[, ]], [], ][.
  • Folds for instrument parts, voices, etc.
  • Support for vim-commentary.
  • :Alda wrapper for running alda CLI commands
  • Useful commands/mappings for playing selections of Alda code.
  • Integrates with your Alda REPL session to facilitate interactive development and live coding.
  • Commands/mappings for parsing the current score and showing the results.


Install using your Vim plugin manager of choice. Vundle, vim-plug, and dein.vim are all fine choices.

Of course, if you haven't already, you should install Alda.

Alda version 2.0.0 or higher is required.


For pretty-printed JSON when viewing a parsed score, install jq and make it available on your $PATH.


For comprehensive documentation, see :help alda.


Pull Requests welcome!


Copyright © 2015-2021 Dave Yarwood

Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See :help license.