
This project is an AirBnB clone.

Primary LanguagePython

AirBnB Clone Project

This project is the beginning of a full clone of the AirBnB web application. The first step of the process is to build a command interpreter with some basic class definitions and file storage.

Getting Started

In order to get the AirBnB clone up and running the Github repository must first be cloned to your local machine with the following command:

With SSH

$ git clone git@github.com:jagrvargen/AirBnB_clone.git

With a URL

$ git clone https://github.com/jagrvargen/AirBnB_clone.git

Once downloaded, change into the AirBnB directory and open the console by typing: $ ./console.py


This part of the project feautures a command line interpreter intended for future debugging. It includes a short list of commands intended to aid in creating and modifying user data stored in a JSON file.

Command Interpreter

The command interpreter can be run in interactive mode via the following command: $ ./console.py

The command interpreter can also be used in non-interactive mode by passing commands to it via piping: $ echo "help" | ./console.py


Commands Description Usage
quit Exit the console quit
EOF Exit the console C^d
help Open a help menu help or ?
create Create a new instance of an object create <class_name>
show Prints the string representation of an instance show <class_name id> or .show()
destroy Deletes an object instance destroy <class_name id> or .destroy()
all Prints the string representation of all instances based on the class name, or all object instances in isolation. all or all <class_name>
update Update an object instance's attribute or value by name. update <class_name id attribute_name attribute_value> or .update(, , )
count Returns an integer count of object instances .count()


This package contains extensive unittests to ensure sound functionality of all enclosed modules. Tests can be run via the command: $ python3 -m unittest discover tests


No known bugs at this time.