
Spark2 is a fork of the Spark command-line tool used to start up node server instances.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Spark2 is a fork of the Spark command-line tool used to start up node server instances written by Tj Holowaychuk and Tim Caswell. It's part of the Connect framework, however can be used standalone with any node server.

Why the fork?

Due to the nature of the CLA required to submit my changes back to Sencha, I have chosen to fork Spark myself and add the features I needed.

What is different?

For the most part, they are identical. Spark2 contains some helpful management tools missing from the original.

The most useful is the "auto re-spawn children" feature. If a worker dies, spark2 will respawn a replacement child.

You can also manage the server for hot code deployment. The original Spark had the main process listen on the app as well as the workers. Spark2's main process doesn't listen on the app, only the workers do. That allows you to do things like this:

spark2 -n 10 &
--exit the terminal and log back in..
--Now update your source, then
spark2 --respawn (This will respawn all the worker processes to reload the code.

You can also call: spark2 --kill to kill the main process and it's workers.

This can also be done from the shell by sending the right signals:

kill -s SIGCONT PID (respawn all children)
kill PID (kill)

I also fixed an issue where command line arguments are overwritten if there is a config. Now commandline arguments override the config so you can test locally with a production config.

stdout/stderror of the worker is forwarded to the master pid.

Simple support for access.log, just add an accesslog file pointer to the config, then apply


stdout will autoforward from the worker to the master process and write the result to the provided file.

Watch file (for development)

spark2 -v -E development -n 1 --watch

This will listen with fs.watchFile on the {app,server}.{js,coffee} file that started the process. If the mtime or the file size changes, it will respawn all the workers. Basically means that you save the app js file and the children will respawn so you can just refresh the page. This works pretty well since the main process file doesn't start the "app", it just starts the children and they control the app.

Process Status Checking

As of 2.0.10, spark2 has some status checking built in. Once you start a spark2 process, you can reenter that directory and execute spark2 --status. This will show sometime like this:

 Showing status for spark2 process at: 21773
   Current children: 10
   Total # of spawned children: 10
   Total # of open FDs: 67
   Total # of open pipes(FIFO): 26
   Started: Thu Dec 23 2010 21:38:35 GMT+0000 (UTC)
   Now    : Thu Dec 23 2010 21:46:45 GMT+0000 (UTC)
 Memory Usage
  rss: 9568256
  vsize: 639512576
  heapTotal: 4704448
  heapUsed: 2594328

I fixed a major bug in this release that was not freeing up file descriptors when a child died. I added this status message so you can track not only the memory of the main process (doesn't include children yet) and you can see the "open file descriptors" as well as the open pipes. This # will normally be around 3 times the number of workers you have configured. (stdin, stdout, stderr of all workers)


Spark2 provides the following options when starting a server.

  • Port/Host to listen on
  • SSL hosting with specified key/certificate
  • Automatic child process spawning for multi-process node servers that share a common port.
  • User/Group to drop to after binding (if run as root)
  • Environment modes (development/testing/production)
  • Modify the node require paths
  • Can load any of these configs from from a file (optionally grouped by env)
  • Can change the working directory before running the app
  • --comment option to label processes in system tools like ps or htop
  • Pass arbitrary code or environment variables to the app

Making an app spark compatible

Any node server can be used with spark2. All you need to do it create a file called app.js or server.js that exports the instance of http.Server or net.Server.

A hello-world example would look like this:

module.exports = require('http').createServer(function (req, res) {
    res.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type":"text-plain"});
    res.end("Hello World");

And then to run it you simply go to the folder containing the app.js or server.js and type:

$ spark2

The output you'll see will be:

Spark2 server(34037) listening on http://*:3000 in development mode

Where 34037 is the process id. If you want 4 processes to balance the requests across, no problem.

$ spark2 -n 4

And you'll see:

Spark2 server(34049) listening on http://*:3000 in development mode
Spark2 server(34050) listening on http://*:3000 in development mode
Spark2 server(34052) listening on http://*:3000 in development mode
Spark2 server(34051) listening on http://*:3000 in development mode