A Julia package for converting your Pluto and Jupyter Notebooks into beautiful Latex.
- adrhillTU Berlin
- agerlach
- alejandromerchanCalEPA/Department of Pesticide Regulation
- AshtonSBradleyUniversity of Otago
- astrogewgawNational Centre for Radio Astrophysics
- baggipontextreamsrl
- BeastyBlacksmithLeibniz Universität Hannover
- bradeneliasonMinneapolis, MN, USA
- carlosal1015National University of Engineering
- cormullionUK
- cscherrer@BasisResearch
- Cuda-ChenSeeking for opportunities
- DawievLillStellenbosch University
- devendra-ghateIndian Institute of Space Science and Technology, India
- ebigram
- eduardosalazPepsiCo
- eliascarvArpeggeo®
- EvoArt
- frederic-santosCNRS – University of Bordeaux
- gaelforgetMIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- gdalleEPFL
- greimelUniversity of Vienna
- IgorMichelsFGV - EMAp
- JeffreySarnoffNew York
- kir0ul
- koehlerson
- marcelovmacielUniversity of California, Irvine
- maxbiostatSchool of Applied Mathematics (EMAp), Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV)
- MFaisalZakiSt-Andrews
- pitmonticoneUniversity of Trento
- rashidrafeekIISER Bhopal
- rozaNice, France
- SebastianM-C@JuliaComputing
- TLipedeLondon
- vincent-picaudFrance - 78
- vsmawoexvenomax