
MERN: Full-stack Chat Application with Stock Market Bot

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MERN: Full-stack Chat Application with Stock Market Bot

This is a Chat App with a Stock Market Bot included. The bot is called by typing /stock=googl.us command from any chat, where googl.us is the stock option. It returns a message in the same chat exclusively for the user who sent the request. The backend process the bot requests asynchronously, each request is sent to a message broker (RabbitMQ), when it's processed the backend send a message using Socket.IO to update the chat with the Stock Bot response.

How to use

Docker way

This project is Dockerized, React Frontend, NodeJS Backend, MongoDB, and RabbitMQ are included.

Docker Containers

To start all the containers run:

docker-compose up

Wait until the containers start, then access the app on http://localhost:3000/

Manual way


Install & Start the Dependencies:

  1. MongoDB should be running on port 27017
  2. RabbitMQ should be running on port 5672
Backend (/server)
  • Install: npm install
  • Run: npm run server
  • Test: npm test
Frontend (/client)
  • Install: npm install
  • Run: npm start
  • Test: npm test (no unit tests available)


This application provides users with the following features

  • Authentication using JWT Tokens.
  • A Global Chat which can be used by anyone using the application to broadcast messages to everyone else.
  • A Private Chat functionality where users can chat with other users privately.
  • Real-time updates to the user list, conversation list, and conversation messages.
  • A Stock Bot /stock=CODE where the CODE is the stock option (Ex. AAPL.US, GOOGL.US).


Global Chat

Global Chat

Private Chat

Private Chat





Known Limitations

This project was developed as a 5 days challenge. Some paths were taken to deliver all the features stable in time. As future enhancements we have:

  • Support stock-bot visibility configuration (private or public);
  • Support to include new bots;
  • Include E2E tests with Cypress;
  • Configure test coverage stats script and badges on README.md;
  • Increase test coverage for stock-bot controller;
  • Create unit tests for controllers messages and users;
  • Create unit tests for services, utilities, validation;
  • Create unit tests for the React components.