Pinned Repositories
Design Patterns with C# is a repository that intends to give a basic example for Creational, Structural and Behavioral Patterns using C# console applications.
Solution to a task given by MentorMate to create their logo with a console application.
Human Capital Management App is a task given by immedis logoimmedis as a part of an internship.
Collection of merged repositories containing various projects with ReactJS
Tasks from C# WEB Developer courses I have attended at SoftUni. Each course use to have its own repository, but in order to be more easy to navigate they were merged into one repository.
david-asenoff's Repositories
Human Capital Management App is a task given by immedis logoimmedis as a part of an internship.
Solution to a task given by MentorMate to create their logo with a console application.
Design Patterns with C# is a repository that intends to give a basic example for Creational, Structural and Behavioral Patterns using C# console applications.
Expenses is a web application made with ASP.NET 5 and ReactJS. It supports User authentication and CRUD operations over the expenses of the logged user.
Reactive-Jokes is a web application made with ASP.NET 5 and ReactJS. It supports User authentication and CRUD operations over jokes and joke categories. This application is done as a part of a student project and has limited functionalities. The main purpose of it to show how to connect server and client.
Collection of merged repositories containing various projects with ReactJS
Tasks from C# WEB Developer courses I have attended at SoftUni. Each course use to have its own repository, but in order to be more easy to navigate they were merged into one repository.