
miking.org website

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Miking Website

This repository contains the source code for the Miking website https://miking.org. Most of the content lives in markdown files located in other repositories, such as miking-lang/miking and miking-lang/miking-dppl, whereas this repository contains pictures, document structure, and source code.

The master branch contains the source code for the official Miking website. The website is deployed through the gh-pages branch. Hence, we should only commit changes to the masterbranch.

The website is built using Docusaurus 2, a modern static website generator.


Install Node.js on your computer.

Run command

npm install

to install all dependent packages (including the Docusaurus libraries).

Pull remote source files

Run the command

$ npm run pull

to populate the docs/ folder with remote Markdown content.

To add remote content, follow the procedure below.

  1. Add a placeholder file _<id>-remote.md somewhere under the docs/ folder. This file is ignored by Docusaurus as it starts with _.
  2. Add an element
    {url: <url>, remotePath: <rpath>, localPath: <lpath>},
    to the remoteDocs array of pull.js, where <url> is the GitHub repo, <rpath> is the path of the source file in <url>, and <lpath> is the local path under the docs/ folder. Use only <id> for the local path file name, and not _<id>-remote.md.
  3. Now, when you run npm run pull, the remote file is combined with the local placeholder _<id>-remote.md to produce a file <id>-remote.md. This produced file is ignored by git.

Local Development

$ npm run start

This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.


$ npm run build

This command generates static content into the build directory and can be served using any static contents hosting service.



$ npm run deploy

to deploy to the gh-pages branch. If the command fails and asks you to set the GIT_USER environment variable, try running

$ USE_SSH=true npm run deploy

instead. You can also set the GIT_USER variable if you want to use HTTPS to deploy. In such a case, run

$ GIT_USER=user_name npm run deploy

where user_name is your Github user name.

More information can be found here.