RedeemableTokenVault README


The RedeemableTokenVault contract facilitates the depositing of both ERC721 and ERC1155 tokens. Authorized addresses are permitted to deposit tokens, while other users can withdraw these tokens using a valid signature.

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Key Features

  • Deposit - Authorized addresses can deposit both ERC721 and ERC1155 tokens.
  • Withdraw with Signature - Users can withdraw tokens with a valid signature. This provides an extra layer of security and control over the withdrawal process.
  • Withdrawal Fee - Owners can set a withdrawal fee for specific deposits, which users must pay when withdrawing.
  • Emergency Batch Withdrawal - The contract owner has the ability to transfer all deposited tokens to another address in case of an emergency.
  • Emergency ERC721 and ERC1155 Withdrawal - The contract owner can move tokens to a different address if they were inadvertently deposited via transferFrom, a method that shouldn't be used for deposits.
  • Balance Withdrawal - The contract owner can withdraw the contract's entire balance.
  • Used Signatures Tracking - The contract ensures that a particular signature cannot be reused, preventing potential vulnerabilities.


  • TokenDeposited - Emitted when a token is deposited into the contract.
  • TokenWithdrawn - Emitted when a token is withdrawn from the contract.


Owner-only Functions

  • setWithdrawalFee(uint256 depositId, uint256 fee) - Set the withdrawal fee for a specific deposit.
  • authorizeDepositor(address depositor) - Authorizes an address to deposit tokens.
  • authorizeContractDeposit(address tokenContract) - Authorizes contract to deposit tokens.
  • revokeDepositorAuthorization(address depositor) - Revokes an address' authorization to deposit tokens.
  • revokeContractDepositAuthorization(address tokenContract) - Revokes contract's authorization to deposit tokens.
  • emergencyBatchWithdrawal(uint256 startId, uint256 endId, address recipient) - Allows the owner to withdraw tokens in a specified ID range in case of an emergency.
  • emergencyERC721Withdrawal(address tokenContract, uint256 tokenId, address recipient) - Allows the owner to withdraw a specific ERC721 token in case of an emergency.
  • emergencyERC1155Withdrawal(address tokenContract, uint256 tokenId, uint256 amount, address recipient) - Allows the owner to withdraw a specific ERC1155 token in case of an emergency.
  • withdrawEther(address recipient) - Allows the owner to withdraw Ether from the contract.

Public Functions

  • depositERC721(address tokenContract, uint256 tokenId) - Deposit an ERC721 token.
  • depositERC1155(address tokenContract, uint256 tokenId) - Deposit an ERC1155 token.
  • withdrawWithSignature(uint256 depositId, bytes memory signature, uint256 expiryBlockHeight) - Withdraw a token with a valid signature from the contract owner.

Interface Implementations

  • onERC721Received(address, address, uint256, bytes calldata) - Implementation for ERC721 token reception.
  • onERC1155Received(address, address, uint256, uint256, bytes calldata) - Implementation for ERC1155 token reception.
  • onERC1155BatchReceived(address, address, uint256[] memory, uint256[] memory, bytes calldata) - This is intentionally set to revert as batch transfers are not supported.
  • supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) - Checks if the contract supports a specific interface.




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Warning: If you manually transfer a token to the vault using a simple transferFrom without going through the provided deposit functions, the token will get to the vault, but the depositId won't be incremented since the internal logic of handling deposits won't be triggered. In this case the contract owner can call one the Emergency ERC721 or ERC1155 Withdrawal methods.

For ERC721:

  1. Approve the vault contract for the token you want to deposit.
  2. Call depositERC721(tokenAddress, tokenId) from the address that owns the token.
  3. The token will be transferred to the vault, and the onERC721Received method will be triggered, leading to the incrementing of the depositId.

For ERC1155:

  1. Set approval for the vault contract.
  2. Call depositERC1155(tokenAddress, tokenId).
  3. The token will be transferred to the vault, and the onERC1155Received method will be triggered, leading to the incrementing of the depositId.

To withdraw using a signature:

  1. Call withdrawWithSignature(depositId, signature, expiryBlockHeight) with the appropriate deposit ID, signature, and expiry block height. The signature must have been generated by the authorized signer.

Info: Owners can authorize and revoke depositors or contract addresses using the appropriate functions. Additionally, in case of emergencies or misdeposits, the owner has the ability to withdraw tokens directly or in batches.