
Repro for Office JS bug

Primary LanguageHTML

Git the Gist

This sample add-in uses the GitHub Gists API to access a user's gist and insert them into a new message.


Running the sample

  1. Clone or download the repository.
  2. Open a command prompt/shell to the root of the repository and run the following command: npm start.
    • If your browser indicates that the site's certificate is not trusted, you will need to add the certificate as a trusted certificate. Outlook will not load add-ins if the site is not trusted. See Adding Self-Signed Certificates as Trusted Root Certificate for details.
    • If the browser does not indicate a problem with the certificate, proceed to the next step.
  3. Open Outlook 2016. On the Home tab in the ribbon, click the Store button.
  4. In the Store UI, click the text Click here to add a custom add-in, and select Add from file.... Browse to the git-the-gist-manifest.xml file and click Open. Click Install when prompted. A screenshot of the "Add from file" menu item in the Outlook 2016 add-in store
  5. Close the Store window. You should now see a new button on the ribbon labeled Display all properties. Click this button to open the taskpane. You should see the add-in's welcome page.

    Note: This taskpane is just a placeholder, the functionality in this version is all in the new message window.

  6. Compose a new message. You should now see two new buttons on the ribbon: Insert Gist and Insert Default Gist.


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