
Resources for aeronautical charting

MIT LicenseMIT

Aeronautical Charting

Resources for aeronautical charting, intention is to fill the gap between ICAO paper products and the need to use modern tools for charting but sometimes the icons and symbols are not there, as well other tools will be added along the way.


If you know want to contribute you are certainly welcome!

List of icons currently available

  • 084_AD_CivilLand
  • 100_Navaid_NDB
  • 101_Navaid_VOR
  • 102_Navaid_DME
  • 103_Navaid_VOR_DME
  • 107_Navaid_VORTAC
  • 121_Compulsory_Fly_By_INT
  • 121_Compulsory_Fly_By_Waypoint
  • 121_On_Request_Fly_By_INT
  • 121_On_Request_Fly_By_Waypoint
  • 121_On_Request_Fly_Over_Waypoint
  • 123_ATS_MET_compulsory
  • 123_ATS_MET_non_compulsory
  • 124_FAF
  • 130_obstacle
  • 131_lighted_obstacle
  • 132_grouped_obstacle
  • 133_grouped_lighted_obstacle
  • 140_single_windfarm_no_light
  • 999_distance_background

Available Aeronautical Symbols Image -> Image is not showing all available icons due to processing error but symbols are available for download

List of icons currently working on

  • Single Windmill lighted
  • Minor Windmill Area
  • Larger Windmill Area

If you want to just use the icons Download as ZIP the repository and extract, downloading individual SVG wont work. Download Image

Else you can sync with Git and contribute

This resources are licensed under the MIT license