
Contains code from the paper: Zito A, Rigon T, Dunson DB (2022) "Inferring taxonomic placement from DNA barcoding allowing discovery of new species" arXiv:2201.09782. DNA barcoding is conducted on field samples and it is important to classify the samples taxonomically, while allowing discovery of new taxa; these may be organisms unknown to science or ones known to science by lacking a reference sequence. BayesANT allows the current taxonomy from the reference database to grow probabilistically as new DNA barcoding data are collected. This work was motivated by our Lifeplan project funded by the ERC.

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BAYESiAn Nonparametric Taxonomic classifier

BayesANT is an algorithm for taxonomic classification that accounts for potential novel branches in the taxonomy. The BayesANT package can be installed by running the following commands:

# If the devtools R package is not already installed
# install.packages("devtools")


For a description of the algorithm and how to use the package, please refer to the BayesANT package documentation