
Magento 2 module for paybox

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


An extension to add integration with the Paybox Payment Gateway. This payment method can be restricted to work only with specific Shipping method.


This module is intended to be installed using composer. After including this component and enabling it, you can verify it is installed by going the backend at: STORES -> Configuration -> ADVANCED/Advanced -> Disable Modules Output Once there check that the module name shows up in the list to confirm that it was installed correctly.

Module configuration

  1. Package details composer.json.
  2. Module configuration details (sequence) in module.xml.
  3. Module configuration available through Stores->Configuration system.xml

Payment gateway module depends on Sales, Payment and Checkout Magento modules. For more module configuration details, please look through module development docs.


David Fiaty https://www.davidfiaty.com


The MIT License (MIT)