My Books Library

My Books Library is an app for people who have a lot of books and don't know how to keep track of them. The app allows you to add books that you have or purchase and keeps a card with that information. You will know title, author, genre, have a picture of the cover and a description. My future goals (stretch goals) includestart with being able to search by title, author and genre. Then enabling edit and delete books from the javascript frontend. After this, I will add functional to show books by genre only. Finally, the last edition will be to add comments to books.

This app utilizes a Rails API back-end with a PostgreSQL database, as well as a Javascript front-end.

The Back-End:

The current APP has two classes that are being used, books and genres. It is set up as books belongs_to: genres and genres : have_many books

The Front-End:

The front-end uses Javascript to asynchronously make get and post requests to the API. There is a very small index html page that is used to post new books and display our book collection. I have used bootstrap to help style along with my own cutom css. This is set up as a single page application.

how to Work on the Project

To get started using this app do the following:

  • Clone the repository ->

    • git clone in your terminal for frontend
    • git clone in your terminal for rails api backend
  • Navigate to the top of the 'mybooks-front' directory ->

    • cd mybooks-front
  • Install required gem dependencies ->

    • bundle install
  • Start a PostgreSQL server in the PostgreSQL app ->

  • Create the database ->

    • rake db:create
  • Migrate the tables ->

    • rake db:migrate
  • Seed the database with a few books and genres ->

    • rake db:seed
  • Start your rails server ->

    • rails s
  • Open index.html in your favorite editor and use a live server to view the page.

  • Use your favorite code editor to make this app your own


-MIT License

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