
Python script to retrieve power values from new wattmeters installed on Lyon site (Grid'5000)

Primary LanguagePython

Retrieving power values from new Grid'5000 wattmeters

Python script to retrieve power values from new wattmeters installed on Lyon site of Grid'5000. These wattmeters deliver 50 values per second with a 0.125W resolution.

You need to execute this script from within Grid'5000. It generates a power.csv file that contains powers value of the node given in parameter. The range of data depends on start/end timestamps given in parameters.

This Python program works with both Python 2 and Python 3.


python3 wattmeters.py nova-1 1540562403 1540567403
python2 wattmeters.py nova-1 1540562403 1540567403


  • name of node (string)
  • timestamp start (int)
  • timestamp end (int)


  • power.csv

For more information, documentation is available in header of Python script.