This project is done as part of the fist 3 weeks activities in Microverse. It is made in order to help the student masters:
- How to parse a Figma design to create a UI.
- Use Flexbox, Grid and Float to place elements in a page.
- Build a personal portfolio site.
- Use images, backgrounds and animations to enhance the look of the website.
- How to deploy a website on Github Pages.
- Add accebility feature
- Create form
- validate form with Javascript
Additional description about the project and its features.
-HTML -CSS -Microverse html/css linter and markdown template -Google Chrome Mobile simulator extension - responsive testing tool
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Verify you install git (if not istall it) if you want visualize the mobile version on a desktop can can use a mobile simulator, like this Google Chrome extension: Mobile Simulator - responsive testing tool or any equivalent.
Set up git if needed
Clone using the appropriate link from github
👤 Author1
- GitHub: @david-lafontant
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
Hat tip to : The authors/contributors of the Microverse template:
- @nidalaa nidalaa Emilia Andrzejewska
- @davidauza-engineer davidauza-engineer David Auza
- @kethinov kethinov Eric Newport
- @fernandorpm fernandorpm Fernando Marques
Hat tip also to my learning partner:
- @andres-condezo ANdres Condozo who help me handle Figma
- @Bondok6 Kyrillos Hany for his availability
- @mukhammadrizooff for his help with the animation
- @sumairq for his help
- @eduardosancho for all his contribution during the fourth week of the first module
This project is MIT licensed.