
🔠 Telegram bot to fix capslock messages

Primary LanguagePython

CapsLockBot Converter

Telegram bot to convert CapsLock messages to their real language.

Everyone is probably familiar with the situation which a message is sent and finds that CapsLock mode was activated when typing and now the message appears in capital letters in English instead of the source language. The following bot solves this problem:

  • Edit the 'capslock-message' and first type the bot user to go inline with the original message. Click on the window that will appear and you will receive the translated message.
  • The bot is adapted for working in groups without the need to edit the message. Add the bot to the group with delted messages permission, replay to each 'CapsLock message' with the command /caps and the bot will respond with the converted message.

You can check our bot here (in Hebrew).


  • Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/david-lev/CapsLockBot.git
  • Install requirements (pyrogram, tgcrypto):
pip3 install -U pyrogram tgcrypto
  • Edit and insert the following values into the config file:

bot_username = YourBotUsername (Without @)

The api_id & api_hash You can get from my.telegram.org. bot_token & bot_username you can get by creating a new bot on BotFather.

  • Edit the strings.py file and change the caps values for the compatibility of your keyboard buttons.
  • Run the bot:
python3 main.py

Created with ❤️ by David Lev & Yehuda By